New YDE Pup Joins Us!

Huge congratulations to our very own Lauren and her boyfriend Brian on the birth of their daughter Bennett Grace.

Huge congratulations to our very own Lauren and her boyfriend Brian on the birth of their daughter Bennett Grace. She was only 100 weeks pregnant when she finally had her!! Welcome to our newest pup here at the Dog!! ‪





Happy National Dog Day!

Hey hey smokeys! In honor of our favorite holiday… national dog day, we are going to make a donation to the ASPCA based on a percentage of all food and retail purchase made today at the dog!

Hey hey smokeys! In honor of our favorite holiday… national dog day, we are going to make a donation to the ASPCA based on a percentage of all food and retail purchase made today at the dog! So the more y’all come in and enjoy, the more we can give back! 11919554_1686098808286010_8699945459252357247_n

Orlando Business Journal’s Restaurant Madness Contest Winner!

Whoa!!!! We are incredibly honored and humbled to have just received word that we won the Orlando Business Journal’s Restaurant Madness contest!

Whoa!!!! We are incredibly honored and humbled to have just received word that we won the Orlando Business Journal’s Restaurant Madness contest! We were up against so many incredible local restaurants, all of which deserved to win as well!

Thank you to everyone who voted!!!! Your support is out of this world awesome and we couldn’t have done it without ya smokeys!

Read the full article here:

Vote For Us!!!

This is it smokeys!!!! We’ve made it to the final showdown of Orlando Business Journal’s Restaurant Madness competition and now EVERY. SINGLE. VOTE counts to help us clench the title!


This is it smokeys!!!! We’ve made it to the final showdown of Orlando Business Journal’s Restaurant Madness competition and now EVERY. SINGLE. VOTE counts to help us clench the title!
Click the link below to ‪#‎OTE‬ (bonus points if you vote from multiple devices and share with your friends)… Love you, mean it!!!

Ps we’re thinking about having a huge summer party if we win to celebrate with all of our awesome fans!!!

Click here to vote!!!


Help Us Get These Pups Adopted!

One of our customers found 6 mix breed puppies that are adorable! Let’s spread the word and get these little guys adopted today!!!!

One of our customers found 6 mix breed puppies that are adorable! Approximately 10 weeks old (1 is about six months old). They’ve all been treated for fleas and worms and now need good homes so they don’t go to the shelter! Let’s spread the word and get these little guys adopted today!!!! Call 407-257-9847



Feeling Saucy!

Hey smokeys! Don’t forget your sauces for all your summer BBQs and 4th of July! We got you covered!

Hey smokeys! Don’t forget your sauces for all your summer BBQs, Memorial Day and the 4th of July! We got you covered! Stop by the store to pick up your summer supply…


Fish Face Contest!

Our Fish Face Contest is kicking off….join in the fun on Instagram!



Alright smokeys… You asked for it, so we’re doing our 1st ever YDE Instagram contest!!!! For your chance to win one of TWO huge gift baskets (filled with YDE gift cards, tshirts, sweet swag, awesome sauce and possible a pair of bow for your chow panties) you must do the following…
1. Make sure you follow us on BOTH of our instagrams @yellowdogeats and @ydekitchenbar (this is crucial)
2. Make your account public for at least the month of May so we can see your pic or multiple entry pics (hint hint)
3. Instagram a picture of your best Fish Face (fish’s interpretation of the classic duck face) and caption it “Bowing for my ‪#‎yellowdogeats‬ Chow!!!! Please pick me @yellowdogeats” (Not gonna lie, it might help your chance if you do fish face with a dog/cat/turtle in the pic)
Fish’s favorite pic from each location (posted before May 31st) will win a basket and a possible dinner date at the DOG with yours truly…